I will admit I have amassed quite a large makeup collection since starting Everyday Starlet. So when it comes time for special occasions, like my wedding, or even just everyday makeup, I sometimes forget which products are favorites and which…
Contour Palette Review: Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit vs Kat Von D Shade & Light
Sometimes the answer is right in front of your face… well, more like ON your face. I’ve watched a lot of contour palette reviews on YouTube, usually of the Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit or the Kat Von D Shade & Light…
Whole30 Week 1
I can’t believe I got through a whole week of Whole30! The adjustment has be harder in some ways than I thought, and easier in other ways. Pinning is Glamorous! If you’ve been following me on social media (and you…
Saturday Post March 9, 2016
Hello Starlets, I’ve decided to add a Saturday Post into my posting rotation. I wanted to take one day and update you on all the things I’m up to, and what I’m currently loving! First of all is it weird…
YSL Touche Eclat Dupe
Since the idea behind Everyday Starlet is that glamour isn’t just for celebrities it’s for us everyday women, I’m always on the lookout for affordable ways to be glamorous. So I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between my Yves…
Best Natural Deodorant Review
Okay, so when one thinks of glamour they don’t tend to think about deodorant. However, with all of the studies out now about how bad regular deodorants can be to your health, more and more people are searching for the…