Hello Starlets, I have a little different post for you today. I was contacted by The Limitless Look Magazine asking if I would like to share with my readers the story of their CEO and Editor Candice Jackson. Candice…
Whole30 Week 4
I can’t believe I made it! I completed Whole30! I hoped that I could do it, but a part of me thought I would give up halfway through. Here’s how week 4 went… Pinning is Glamorous! The week in Facebook posts……
Sunday Post: Contour, Vegan Treats, Shoe Envy, & More
Hello Starlets, welcome to my first Sunday Post (okay, so it’s just my Saturday Post switched to Sunday because I have a new book and film review series on Saturdays, so be sure to check that out). Today I’m sharing…
Man Repeller: Seeking Love. Finding Overalls by Leandra Medine Review
A while ago I posted an Instagram photo from under the dryer at my hair salon while I was getting rid of any evidence of my natural hair color… no really I’m a natural blonde, wink wink. I was reading…
The Best & Worst Full Coverage Foundations Review
This will be the final review in my foundation testing series, and I just may have saved the best for last. I love a good full coverage foundation… something not too heavy, not too light, but juuuust right. I was…
The Best & Worst Medium Coverage Foundations Review
If you’ve been following along with Everyday Starlet then you know I’ve been testing my makeup collection, trying on each product, and giving a review. I went through all of my foundations and decided that I had way too many…