I spent most of the 90s with my face in a fashion magazine desperately searching for beauty tips. I was a sucker for any beauty advice from, the Starlets of the 90s, the Supermodels. So I have don’t my research…
How to Get a Supermodel Body
Here at Everyday Starlet, we look at Starlets of the past to inspire our lives today. As I’m sure you’ve heard, the 90s are coming back, and the Starlets of the 1990s were the Supermodels. So this week we’ll be…
Red Carpet Ready: The Big Day
The Golden Globes are this weekend, and Starlets are doing last min prep for the big day. Everyday Starlets are no different. So if you’ve been following my Red Carpet Ready 3 Month Plan (here is Month 3, Month 2,…
Winter Beauty Essentials
The good thing about living in New England is that you get to experience all the seasons. The bad thing about living in New England is that you get to experience all the seasons. The Summers are brutally hot and…
A Long Day’s Journey Into Mac
They say, when one window closes another Mac opens… okay, maybe they don’t say that, I just made it up, clever huh? Anyway, I full intended to have a fabulous fashion post for you today, and start out 2015 with…
2015 New Years Resolutions
It’s a new year, and that means a fresh start. 2014 had some highs and lows, and I really hoped to start 2015 fresh and organized… Unfortunately, issues with my laptop have started the year off to a rocky…