I was recently asked the question about how to embrace your Feminine radiance when you are constantly comparing yourself to “perfect” bodies in the media. So this video is all about mainstream and social media influence on body image, healing…
Psychological Abuse & Manipulation | Narcissistic Abuse & Feminine Energy | Gaslight Film Analysis
Ever wondered where the term gaslighting comes from? We’re looking at how narcissistic abuse destroys feminine energy specifically with psychological abuse and manipulation in this Gaslight film analysis Psychological Abuse & Manipulation | Narcissistic Abuse & Feminine Energy | Gaslight…
The Rise of the Passport Bros: Dangers & the Real Reason Women Are Scared | Red Pill Men Hypocrisy
We’re looking at the rise of the passport bros, the dangers and the real reason women are scared… and why we all should be. Plus red pill men hypocrisy, why women need high standards, and more! The Rise of the…
Masculine Protector vs Provider| The New Female Fantasy| The Wild Woman | Leap Year Film Analysis
We’re looking at the love triangle of the Masculine protector vs provider, the new female fantasy, what women are really craving, wild woman archetype, what feminism got wrong, and more in this Leap Year film analysis. Masculine Protector vs Provider|…
Women That Steal Another Woman’s Man | You Will Treat a Man Exactly Like His Ex Did
We’re taking about the TikTok trend of women that steal another woman’s man and how you will treat a man exactly like his ex did because women are a reflection of how men show up. It’s the reason for the…
Emotional Depth in Relationships | Masculine Men Need a Purpose | The Thin Man Film Analysis
We’re talking about emotional depth in relationships, why superficial people attract shallow relationships, why masculine men need a purpose, and more in this The Thin Man Film Analysis. Emotional Depth in Relationships | Masculine Men Need a Purpose | The…