We’re exploring how the masculine shield shows up in women, dressing as a protective shield, promiscuity and why women objectify themselves, mothering a man, and a NEW women’s body image course for a breast health massage and healing breast meditation……
Breast Massage Magic Course | NEW Women’s Body Image Course | Healing Breast Health Massage & Meditation
So excited to announce the latest course form Everyday Starlet… Do you want to learn to love your breasts, no matter what your shape or size? Then the Breast Massage Magic Course is for you! In this course you will…
Does Pretty Privilege Apply to Men? | Do Women Prefer Dad Bods? | Women’s Height Preferences
We’re answering the questions: Does pretty privilege apply to men? Do women prefer dad bods? Are women actually more attracted to muscular men? And exploring women’s height preferences & standards for men, and more! Does Pretty Privilege Apply to Men?…
Why Women are Attracted to Dangerous Men: Murder Wade Wilson, Ariana Grande & Jeffrey Dahmer…
We’re talking about why women are attracted to dangerous men, how sexual fantasies reveal our needs, good girl bad girl stereotypes vs simp and alpha men, sacred sexuality for women, why women are attracted to murderers and serial killers like…
Why Women are Gaining Weight as Protection | Why Women Objectify Themselves | Kylie Jenner Crying
We’re talking about how the Masculine Energy Shield looks on women, why women are gaining weight as protection, artificial beauty vs natural beauty, Kylie Jenner crying about her looks, how men make women gain weight, why plastic surgery is on…
Masculine Pick Me Girl Hypocrisy | Manosphere Hypocrisy | Pick Me Pearl | Recovering Pick Me Girl
We’re talking about the Masculine pick me girl hypocrisy, as well as touching on the manosphere hypocrisy, using examples from pick me Pearl, and sharing my thoughts as a recovering pick me girl. Masculine Pick Me Girl Hypocrisy | Manosphere…