Summer seems to be moving so fast, I can’t believe August is already here. I’ve been taking some time this Summer to try some new things. I just wanted to let you all know some of the things that I’ve been up to and what to expect in the future….
I’ve started doing some sponsored posts. You may have noticed last month I did my first sponsored post with Target. It’s posts like these that allow me to continue to grow my blog and keep creating new content. I promise they won’t happen all the time, and I promise that I will always be honest with you about my opinions.
I got a new vlogging camera. I’ve tossed around the idea of doing vlogs, but my camera wasn’t very portable… and I didn’t know if anyone would care to see me in my everyday (starlet) life. I probably will just focus on blogging events right now (like CT ComicCon this month), but I may daily vlog for vlogmas. I’m still deciding. Do you like watching vlogs?
I’m experimenting with posting schedules. I’ve done every weekday, and I’ve tried mixing it up. I’m thinking of posting every other day (M,W,F,Sun). It will give each post an extra day at the top of the blog and let it shine a little longer. I’ll see how it works. For bloggers… I’d love to know how you created a posting schedule and what you find works for you? For regular blog readers… I’d love to hear when you like to check in with blogs?
I’m doing some house cleaning. I love things neat and organized, but sometimes life gets in the way and my stuff becomes chaos. I’m realizing how much stuff a beauty blogger can accumulate… and my wardrobe needs an update. Are there any new finds, beauty or fashion, that you’ve loving right now?
I have reached my August goal of 600 YouTube subscribers already! I am so honored that so many of you have subscribed. I have a giveaway going on my channel, so if you haven’t already, be sure to enter!
I’m looking forward to sharing the last month of Summer with all of you! Do you have any big August plans?
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I personally post M-F and it’s worked for me…I just like to take the weekends off to really regroup! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
That’s actually my main hesitation for posting on the weekends… it’s nice to take the time off π
My only REAL plan is to not spend any money in August. π I do want to get organized, though. That has got to happen.
I thought your sponsored post was GREAT! I really don’t mind them, as long as the blogger is honest and her personality shines through (like yours did). π
Great plan!! I really need to do a “no spend” month That’s the plight of a beauty blogger (or any blogger really…. well, any human actually)… always some new products to try out π