I’m a product of the 90s… so I decided to do a 90s Tag video… whoop there it is (see what I did there, it’s a 90s reference)…
Don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button so we can be YouTube friends!
- 1. Favorite Disney Film?
- 2. Favorite Music Artist?
- 3. Favorite Candy/Sweeties?
- 4. Favorite Game (Board Game, School Game etc)
- 5. Favorite McDonalds Happy Meal Toy?
- 6. Favorite Book?
- 7. Favorite Clothing Store?
- 8. Favorite NickJnr Show?
- 9. What would you watch when you got home from school?
Stay tuned for my 90s Glam outfit next week!
What was your favorite thing about the 90s?
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Yay, Kids Inc. Mickey Mouse Club, and Square One! LOVED the Mathman skits! 🙂
The 90s shows were definitely the best!!!
Ahhh the 90s.
I’m definitely a child of the 90s.
Clarissa Explains It All was a total must watch!
I kind of miss those days, I won’t lie.
I was totally into magazines, too, but I REALLY loved the American Girl series of books… It was a fake diary written by girls in different time periods. OBSESSED with those.
As for The Golden Girls… LOVE. Absolutely love. I still watch it as often as I can.
I LOVED my American Girl doll… I have Samantha 🙂 She’s tucked away somewhere. When I first got her there were only 3 dolls… now it’s like an empire!!!