If you’re a Mad Men freak like me, you’re probably psyched that it’s finally back (and sad that it will soon be over). Last Sunday’s episode was really just setting up the characters for the final episodes, but one scene between Joan and Peggy really got me thinking.
I have always identified with Joan in a way. We’re not exactly alike….but we have very similar body types, and I really identify with her when she gets treated differently by men. They flirt and make comments but never really respect her because they just see her as a set of boobs (when it’s really the guys who are the boobs, ladies, m’right?). buy Lasix 40mg
Only making things worse, Joan never gets to have a camaraderie with women because they are envious of the way men look at her (ironically, because it feels more degrading than flattering most of the time).
Peggy makes a comment that Joan would be treated differently if she dressed differently. That really got me going…. Joan’s outfits are stylish and office appropriate. Even if she dressed like Peggy, she would still get attention… it’s just how she is built. Some women are just built with a fuller bust (I’m not going to defend women who bought their boobs, sorry ladies, you’re on your own)…. but those of us who grew them ourselves did not choose to… yet we get treated as if we only went through puberty for the attention. buy nexium 40mg
Now, at this stage you’re probably thinking that I’m crazy for expecting anyone to sympathize with a gorgeous woman with curves-for-days… but the truth is, Joan doesn’t have a friend on either side. Men only see her for sex… they won’t do business with her, and they won’t marry her (well one did, but he was a loser). On the flipside, women only see her as competition and not as a friend. buy levaquin 750mg
Note: The ironic thing is, men are not lining up to marry Joan or Peggy… they marry the stick-straight size zero Bettys and Megans…. those are the women we should gang up against… kidding… well maybe….
What I’m saying is, instead of seeing other women as the enemy, or being envious of their bodies or their life, we should support each other. I have a lot of theories about what may happen to the characters of Mad Men… but I really hope Joan ends up happy… (and Christina Hendricks has a long and successful career, we need more women like her in Hollywood)… and she finally finds a friend
I’d love to hear you thoughts…

That little tiff in the elevator got me thinking too. I agree that Joan is between a rock and a hard place. She is so smart and no one wants to take her seriously, even the women. Trying to look at someone and see the person they are rather than the packaging is something we should all strive for.
Great post! : )
Thanks for popping by my blog…one avid Mad Men fan to another.
I totally agree! It’s cliche, but we can’t judge a book by it’s cover. Thanks so much for stopping by!!!!