Sometimes, in life, a path is clear… you know exactly where you are going and how to get there (well, I hear that happens to some people). For me, I’ve always struggled with what path to take. It always seems like I’m trying to fit in a mold and some parts of me don’t fit (insert obvious boob joke here). Now that I’ve been doing ES for a year, I really feel like I’m starting to find my style and voice. I’ve struggled with figuring what categories I fit into. I love vintage/retro style… but I’m not really a vintage blogger (and straight retro looks can feel costumy on me…although other bloggers can rock them hard core). I love following modern fashion trends… but I’m not super trendy. I’m still trying to find a balance on my blog (and in life) between modern and vintage. It’s not really that unusual. Everything old really is new again. I really want to focus my blog on taking retro vintage ideas and making them fresh and modern… and show everyday women that glamour is affordable and attainable in their everyday lives…My OOTD, in my opinion, is the perfect blend of modern retro. The skirt is a 50s shape, and the matching lipstick is a complete throwback. The black T and leopard clutch are timeless. But the metallic pumps and messy hair make the look more modern.
Skirt: Express//Top, Bracelet, Clutch: Forever 21//Heels: Michael Kors//Lipstick: MAC in MAC Red
I’ve also been trying to let my sense of humor loose on ES. Since my primary job before blogging was as a stand-up comedian, I wanted to keep the two worlds separate in the beginning. With comedy, there is a constant struggle to make everything funny… sometimes sacrificing truth and meaning just to get to the laugh. I really hope to entertain my readers at ES, but I never want to sacrifice my message. So I’m learning to let my humor into the blog. ES may never be spit-take funny, but I really hope it makes you smile.
It feels really great to have found a focus for ES. I will be doing a lot of updating from now until after New Years… I’d love for you to join me on my journey….
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I only discovered your blog recently but so far I think you’ve done a great job at balancing the modern and retro elements in your content. The fact that it wasn’t too ‘niche’ and was more centered on infusing glamor into everyday life is what attracted me to your blog in the first place so I’m excited to see where you take it in the next few months!
ps.Love the outfit btw x
Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate the kind words, and I’m so glad you enjoy ES!!!!