The Grammy Awards are this weekend, so this week is all about music. Starlets are the star of the movie of their life… and every movie needs a soundtrack.
Today we’ll be looking at Starlet workout music. We’ve already discussed how important fitness is in a Starlets life. But every Starlet needs some motivation to get in shape, and great workout music can do just that. Here are some ideas:
Latin Music:
Really any artist, English speaking or not, is great for a workout (Zumba anyone?)…. You can pick artists from the Latin boom of the 90s, or go with current artists. Prince Royce has some great slow Latin music, like one of my favorites, a cover of Stand By Me in English and Spanish, perfect for cool downs.

Anything by Beyoncé:
This girl-power Diva has some great high energy songs (you can even go back to her Destiny’s Child days)… and she has the Dita Von Teese seal of approval.

Daft Punk:
This has a 70s flare and a great tempo (also Dita approved)

What can you say about the artist formally known as the “Artist Formally Known As”… he has some great workout songs and no other music will make you feel sexier.

Of course the most important thing about workout music is that it motivates you to work out, so pick your favorites and get moving…
Stay tuned for music for getting ready and pampering yourself!
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