Many women believe that the key to stop being a doormat is to find the “right” man… but the reality is that you need to pick yourself up off the floor first.

A woman who doesn’t believe she’s worth being treated well is much more likely to attract a man who is looking to take advantage of her.
This can lead women to feeling like if they just found a man who treats them well that they will feel worthy.
Truth is, you need to believe you are worthy of love and respect first.
Obviously a good man is not going to want to walk all over you, but if you’re already on the floor he may still step on you, even if he doesn’t mean to.
You need to learn to own your worth first, so you know your boundaries and know yourself, before you can truly be open to receive love from a partner.
If you have been outsourcing your worth to a man or men in your life then be sure you check out the Recovering Pick Me Girl Guided Journal is available now on Amazon
Check out the Dark Feminine Energy Guided Journal
Learn to communicate from your Feminine Energy with The ART of FEMININE COMMUNICATION Masterclass
Also, FEMININE RADIANCE is the perfect beginners course for connecting to your Feminine Energy
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