What was your favorite childhood movie?

I remember being 8yo, sitting in a movie theater, seeing Jessica Rabbit appear on the screen. I said to myself, “THAT’S who I want to be when I grow up.”
Then, of course, life happens.
All the things that my inner 8yo admired about her: her confidence, glamour, sensuality… were suppressed.
I learned to hide my shine, hunch my shoulders to cover up the part of me that does match Mrs Rabbit👀, and feel uncomfortable in my skin.
Learning to connect to my inner child and embrace the woman that she dreamed of growing up to be is a big part of my healing.
If you feel disconnected from your inner child, and their dreams and desires, then take some time to watch a favorite childhood movie/tv show or engage in a childhood hobbies.
If you’d like more help checking in with your inner child, there is a chapter dedicated to that in my new book the Recovering Pick Me Girl Guided Journal available now on Amazon.

If you have been outsourcing your worth to a man or men in your life then be sure you check out the Recovering Pick Me Girl Guided Journal is available now on Amazon
Check out the Dark Feminine Energy Guided Journal
Learn to communicate from your Feminine Energy with The ART of FEMININE COMMUNICATION Masterclass
Also, FEMININE RADIANCE is the perfect beginners course for connecting to your Feminine Energy
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