This set was kindly gifted to me by Tutti Rouge The Fuller Bust Company…

Perfume: Creed Spring Flower
Lips: Mac Lip Liner in Cherry & Kylie Cosmetics Velvet Lipstick in Surprise Me & Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer in Diamond Milk
Earlier this week… (also gifted)

Lips: Kylie Cosmetics Velvet Charm & Fenty Beauty Gloss in Diamond Milk
How I do my eye makeup: Bombshell makeup look tutorial
How I do my base makeup
Skin Care Routine & Body Care Routine
Who takes my Instagram Photos? I do!… here’s how I do it
Check out my new Ebook, 101 Ways To Make Your Life More Glamorous, on Amazon
This post/video is not sponsored. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links, that means that if you purchase any of these products, I receive compensation, through no extra charge to you. That income will go towards making ES even better.
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