I can’t believe I used to love Winter. As a child, I waited in anticipation for December because that meant my Birthday had arrived and then it would soon be Christmas…. and, of course, there were the snow days. Snow days to a kid are like little gifts from heaven. As an adult, I like wintery weather in December (who doesn’t like a little White Christmas), but after the holidays, snow and cold weather seem pointless. So you can imaging how irritated I am that New England is currently breaking snow records this month like they’re going out of style. I have so much snow outside my house and it just seems to keep coming. There is no more room to put it, and it’s too cold to melt.
I have never needed Spring to come more than I do right now. The artificial heat is drying, and, while I’m normally a serious homebody, even I am going stir crazy in the house. I wish I could just hibernate until the snow disappears. That’s actually when I realized, while I can’t necessarily hibernate, I can use this time to revamp my look. With Spring a month away, here are a few things I’m hoping to do to get me ready for better weather…
- Grow out my hair. I’m actually thinking about cutting it a little shorter, but I want to try more of a one length cut, so I’m growing out my layers. I’m also taking extra good care of my hair with conditioning treatments, and trying not to wash it very often.
- Grow out my eyebrows. Big brows are on trend right now. I was unsure of trying them, but I heard that fuller brows make you look younger… so I’m on board. At first, I couldn’t stand not tweezing, but now I’m loving growing them out. I’m going to give it one more month and then shape them up.
- Get long eyelashes. I’m using Revitalash and some almond oil on my lashes every night, and I’m definitely seeing a difference in the length of my lashes.
- Whiten teeth. I’m thinking about using some whitestrips, but I may just switch to a whitening toothpaste… if I can find one that works on my sensitive teeth.
- Get in shape. This is a challenge this time of year. This weather makes you want to eat, but I’m trying to keep it in check. I’m also trying to get in some treadmill time everyday. It’s a challenge, but using my parents basement treadmill is really the only cardio I can get to this time of year.
I’m also going to be trying out some new beauty products, and hopefully when Spring comes, I will feel like a new woman…. now I need to go ice my back after all the shoveling….