September is fashion month on Everyday Starlet, so I thought this would be the perfect time to clean out my closet. The whole month I will be posting fashion related content, but every Tuesday I will be posting closet tips. I’d like to invite you to follow along with me and by the end of the month we will all have (or be closer to) a perfect Starlet wardrobe. This week is all about cleaning out your closet.
Take everything out and try it on (ideally with the proper undergarments) and see what fits you. I know a lot of closet gurus will tell you to get rid of anything that doesn’t fit you right now…. However, I fluctuate weight frequently, so I keep a few various sizes of clothing for thin and thick days. But if you have clothes that are several sizes too big or too small, you may want to consider letting them go.
Now most people will tell you to put your clothes in 3 piles: keep/trash/donate. But I like to take that a step further. I am all about making piles when I’m organizing.
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You’re clothing organizing in individual for you, but here are my piles for inspiration…
- I split my keep piles into clothing type: dresses/tops/skirts/pants/etc
- Mending- these are items that need fixing. I put these in my mom’s sewing room (and that’s usually where they say… I guess I need to learn how to sew)
- Storage- out-of-season clothes, or special pieces that you don’t want to get rid of but aren’t in your regular rotation
- I always keep a trash bag for clothes that are too worn out to donate.
- If you have designer pieces that are in good condition, then consider selling them. You can use that money to fill out your wardrobe with basics.
- These are items that you don’t want for don’t fit but are still in good condition and aren’t designer products.
Now that you’ve sorted your clothes, next week we’ll look at taking inventory and having a good basic wardrobe.
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