There is one person a Starlet values above all else. A person she tells all her deepest secrets and a person she entrusts with her most valuable asset… her hair. I am, of course, talking about her hairdresser. A true Starlet does not settle for just any stylist. She searches for the perfect match, and she considers her hairdresser her partner in creating her look.
As a former Cosmetologist myself, I am a big fan of doing DIY at-home beauty treatments, but the one thing I seek professional help for is my hair. I travel a distance for my hair guru, but he is worth it. I knew my hairdresser was my soul mate in style when we met. He is bald with a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe on his head. He has adopted me as his very own Barbie Doll.
Since today is Beautician’s Day, take some time to thank your hair guru for all they do for you… and if you’re not happy, then find a stylist who you click with.
I think that the most important thing a woman can have – next to talent, of course – is her hairdresser.- Joan Crawford
I’m lucky to have found mine, because, like my hair guru’s favorite Old Hollywood Starlet Marilyn Monroe:
Happy Beautician’s Day to all the hairstylists who make the world a little more beautiful!

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