Today is the first day of Spring… it hardly feels like it here in New England, but the hope of warmer weather is highly anticipated. A new season is a great time to set some goals for yourself. I got the idea from one of my favorite blogs, Cupcakes and Cashmere, which posts a list of goals for each season. I tried this last Summer and I was surprised at how many of my goals I reached. So I thought I would share with you some of my goals for this Spring…
Get outside more. I’d love to walk or jog outside daily, but in New England that’s not always possible. But this winter has been so bad I plan to get outside for some sun and fresh air as often as I can.
Stretch daily. I take dance classes weekly and June is our big recital… my dance teacher has added splits to my Jazz dance, so I’ll be focused of getting more flexible until then.
Try this Sesame Noodle recipe with Buckwheat or Soba noodles instead of pasta.
Make an Easter Brunch complete with Mimosas
Try this Grilled Vegetable Salad recipe
Make mint juleps for the Kentucky Derby on May 3rd… and of course treat myself to a new hat.
Have a spa day. I used to take Saturdays as a beauty day, but then my life got so hectic and I stopped. I’m longing to have a whole day dedicated to a home facial, mani/pedi, bubble bath, and some fashions mags… maybe a chick flick to round out the day.
Try orange lipstick. It’s out of my comfort zone, but I’d like to find a shade that works for me.
Visit a flea market. I’ve never been to one, but I’ve always wanted to try it out to see if I can find some cute vintage finds.
Learn more about photography. I don’t know if I will have time to take a class, but I’m going to start with tips from other blogs like Pretty Shiny Sparkly, Independent Fashion Bloggers, and To Vogue or Bust.
Post every weekday. I have been focused on moving Everyday Starlet from blogger to wordpress and redesigning the site, but I plan to get back to posting content regularly.
Make YouTube videos. I’m planning to add some beauty advice/technique videos to Everyday Starlet. I have some ideas in mind, but if you have any that you’d like to see just leave me a comment below.
What are your goals for Spring?