This weekend the latest Muppets movie is being released, so I wanted to give tribute to my absolute favorite Muppet and style icon: Miss Piggy. She may be livestock, but she is an Everyday Starlet if there ever was one. So here are 10 reasons that Miss Piggy is Glamour’s Most Wanted…
1. She never strays from her signature hair color
Miss Piggy may go short or long, bangs or no bangs, but she never strays from her signature blonde
2. She knows how to accessorize
She loves jewelry and she’s not afraid to show it. Her signature is pearls but diamonds will do. And she’s not afraid to pair her outfit with a fabulous hat
3. She loves shoes
And speaking of accessories, her hooves are always in the best shoes
4. She even sleeps glamorously
5. She knows what flatters her figure
She may be a little round in the middle (she is a pig after all) but she know how to nip in the waist and show off her curves
6. She keeps her makeup subtle
No garish colors and wild trendy makeup looks for this pig, she lets her glowing pink skin shine through
7. She’s not afraid of prints
Let’s face it… this pig looks great in leopard
8. She knows how to pose
When you get your picture taken as much as she does, you learn to find your best angles… and she know how to “ham” it up for the camera
9. She’s devoted to the man she loves
You never hear about Miss Piggy running around with every Hollywood Heartthrob in town… she is hoplessly devoted to the man of her dreams, and we are all green with envy over their love
And most importantly…
10. She never lets the fact that she is a pig keep her from being the glamorous star that she is…
…so if a pig can be a model and a major style icon then there is no reason any woman can’t be just as glamorous….
I want to thank Miss Piggy for being a glamorous inspiration to myself and so many others!
Note: All Images Via Google Search
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