I must confess, I spend a lot of time on social media…. probably more than is healthy. With all the time I spend on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I sometimes neglect what is possibly my most favorite social media of all (okay after YouTube)… that’s Pinterest. When I first joined Pinterest, it was possibly the biggest time suck of my life. But I did stop buying as many magazines so I figure the money I was saving out weighed the time I was wasting… it’s Starlet logic, just go with it.
Since I started blogging, I have focused much more on my Instagram presence, and promoting myself on Facebook and Twitter. It seems as if my old friend Pinterest got left behind. But we’re reconnecting and it seems like old times again! So I thought I would share with you my most active Pinterest boards of 2015…
My Top 10 Most Popular Pinterest Boards of 2015
10. My Love Affair With Jewelry
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board My Love Affair With Jewelry on Pinterest.
9. Fashion or Bust
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Fashion or Bust on Pinterest.
8. Fashion Inspiration
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Fashion Inspiration on Pinterest.
7. Hair Dos
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Hair Dos on Pinterest.
6. Makeup Inspiration & Tutorials
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Makeup Inspiration & Tutorials on Pinterest.
5. Blogging Tips
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Blogging Tips on Pinterest.
4. Dita Von Teese
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Dita Von Teese on Pinterest.
3. Entertaining
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Entertaining on Pinterest.
2. Food, Glorious Food
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Food, Glorious Food on Pinterest.
1. Makeup Addict
Follow Sarah Blodgett’s board Makeup Addict on Pinterest.
Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest!
Visit Sarah Blodgett’s profile on Pinterest.
Do you have any social media that you feel you’ve been neglecting and want to spend more time on in 2016? What’s your favorite social media to get lost in?
YouTube // Instagram // Bloglovin // Pinterest // Twitter // Facebook
This post/video is not sponsored. All opinions are my own. All products mentions were purchased by me unless noted with an asterisk (*). This post may contain affiliate links, that means that if you purchase any of these products, I receive compensation, through no extra charge to you. That income will go towards making ES even better.
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I couldn’t imagine your makeup board not being the most popular one – so many pretty looks! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Aww, thanks!! 🙂
Aww, thanks!! 🙂